
Sodor the Deleted Years: Henry's Forest

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Henry's Forest

{Put 'Based on the story by Andrew Brenner' in titles}

[Montage of shots of Henry passing through forest, sometimes with other engines.  Henry theme playing.]

N: On the North-West Railway, the main line runs through a forest.  It was one of Henry the green engine's favourite spots on the line.  He always enjoyed seeing the trees and hearing the birdsong, even if it was only for a few minutes as he raced along the line.  

Henry: It would be nice to be able to stop here.

N: Henry often thought to himself

Henry: But that would block the line and delay trains.

[Cut to shot of Henry emerging from forest, as usual]

N: But what Henry didn't realise is he would soon be able to do just that.  One morning, a couple of days after the Kirk Ronan branch had been reopened, Henry was passing through the forest with a goods train as usual.  But when he reached the signalbox about halfway through the forest, he got a caution signal instead of the usual clear.

Henry's Driver: We'd better slow down, Henry.

N: Henry wasn't complaining as his driver eased off his regulator, and a slight smile crossed his face.  At the next signal, a danger signal was displayed and Henry braked his train to a halt.

Henry: What's happened?

N: Henry asked as the signalman joined him.

Signalman: James is taking a goods train to Kellsthorpe Road.  We've had to schedule it between existing trains.  He should be clear of the block in another few minutes.

Henry: Will this be happening often?

Signalman: Yes, this new train's scheduled daily.

Henry: So this means I'll need to wait here for a few minutes each day.

N: Henry said thoughtfully.

Signalman: I'm afraid so.

Henry: I see

N: Henry replied, an idea already beginning to form in his smokebox.

[Cut to Henry backing down onto a passenger train at Knapford, later that day]

N: Later that day, Henry arrived at Knapford to take one of his usual passenger services.  Just as he'd hoped, the Fat Controller was standing on one of the platforms.

Henry: Excuse me, sir.

N: Henry called politely.  The Fat Controller joined him a moment later.

TFC: Did you want to talk to me, Henry?

Henry: Yes, sir.

N: Henry quickly explained about the delay that morning, and how it would be ongoing.

TFC: It's unfortunate, but it was the only way we could get that service to Kellsthorpe Road in the morning without changing the entire timetable.  Eric's able to take it down to Kirk Ronan between two of his passenger runs.

Henry: I'm not complaining, sir, but I'd like to make a request.

TFC: What would that be?

Henry: Well, the previous signalbox on the line is in the middle of the forest, and I'd like to be held there instead.

N: The Fat Controller blinked, slightly surprised by the unusual request.

TFC: It should be possible.  I'll have to check the schedule, but I don't think there are any trains immediately behind you on that run.

[Cut to shot of Henry stopping at signalbox in the forest, the next morning]

N: The next morning, Henry was pleasantly surprised to be stopped at the signalbox in the forest.  He hadn't expected the Fat Controller to arrange it so soon.  As he waited, all he could hear was birdsong drifting through the trees.  It was, he thought, quite peaceful.

[Fade through to shot of Henry arriving at the signalbox - it's a couple of weeks later.  Loggers are there, cutting down the trees.]

N: But I'm afraid to say, that peace and quiet only lasted a couple of weeks.  As he arrived one morning, Henry was horrified to hear the roaring of chainsaws.  Ahead, several trees lay by the side of the tracks.

Henry: What are they doing?!

N: Henry asked, aghast.  His driver peered out of the cab window.

Henry's Driver: Looks like they're logging it.

N: Sure enough, Bear arrived a moment later with some empty flatcars to take the logs to a nearby sawmill.  The Hymek spotted the expression on Henry's face, but before he could say anything, Henry received clearance to proceed.

Bear: Henry-

N: Bear began, as the green engine went past.  Henry just wheeshed at him, drowning out anything the diesel had to say.

[Cut to the sheds, later that night.  Left to right are empty (Diesel), Bear, empty (Henry), Gordon, James, empty (Alice)]

N: Later that evening, Bear was discussing it with the other engines in the shed.

Bear: He seemed quite upset about it.

N: Bear was saying, worried.

Gordon: Well, he's always been a bit green.  I must admit, I don't quite get what Henry sees in that place myself.

N: Gordon replied.  It was something about his friend he'd never really understood.

James: That's because you're always thundering through it with the express, Gordon.

N: James put in.  Before he could say more, Henry puffed despondently into the shed.  He cast a sad look over at Bear.

Henry: Do you have any idea how messy the forest is now?  There are gaps and branches all over the place.

Bear: Would it make you feel better if I-

Henry: Probably not.

N: Henry replied sadly.

[Cut to the next morning, the yard]

N: Henry was still in a gloomy mood the next morning.  Around morning tea time, he arrived in the yard with a goods train he'd brought down from Barrow.  He left the tucks on the arrival track and was about to leave when Diesel sidled up alongside.

Diesel: You'll need to wait a few minutes, Henry.

Henry: What for?

Diesel: There's another train coming in, and I don't think you'll want to miss it.

N: A moment later, Bear's horn sounded out and Henry sighed.

Henry: I don't particularly want to talk to Bear at the moment, Diesel.

N: Diesel said nothing, he just rolled his eyes.  Bear came into view a moment later, with a long string of trucks behind him.  Henry gasped as he saw that all of Bear's trucks were loaded with saplings.

Bear: These are for the forest, Henry.  To replace the trees that were cut down.  That's what I was trying to tell you last night.

N: Henry felt slightly embarrassed.

Henry: Ah...then I think I owe you an apology, Bear.

Bear: Don't worry about it, Henry.

N: Henry frowned as another thought struck him.

Henry: But why cut down the trees if they're just going to be replaced?

Bear: The trees that were cut down were planted a few years ago, to provide wood now.  Sudrian teak, I think it's called.  Apparently it's quite good for making furniture.

Henry: I see.

N: Henry replied.

Bear: You'll be glad to know this is the last lot to be planted in the forest.

Henry: What do you mean?

Bear: There's a plantation of these trees, just outside of Ballahoo.  It's going to be ready for cutting next month.

N: Bear had been right.  Henry was glad to hear that.  Even though the trees would be replaced, it had still made a bit of a mess of the forest.

Bear: Would you like to take these saplings up to the forest?

Henry: Yes, please.

N: Henry replied enthusiastically.  He was quickly coupled up to the train of trees, and he couldn't help grinning as he set off for the forest.

Hi all,

As I mentioned in this journal entry,…, there were some episodes that were written, either completely or partially, which didn't quite make it to the Youtube servers.  I've decided to publish some of the stories that were completed.

I'm starting with an episode which was originally written for season four, and would have been episode 45 of the series.  It ties into the 'Kirk Ronan branch' plotline of that season.

Also, there are some abbreviations and notations that I use in my scripts:

N: is the narrator.
TFC: is the Fat Controller.
[Square brackets are used to denote stage directions.]
{Curly braces are director's notes.}

Models by myself and SI3D.  Route by SI3D.
© 2014 - 2024 wildnorwester
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Tsundere-Ace's avatar
Really nice adaption! Doesn't really have the same charm in the TV episode, (no offense) it's still a more realistic turn on it and the characters behave more maturly.